Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun Valentines Day idea!

I came across this awesome idea on a fun blog called (check it out, it is a really fun) I am totally making these for EVERYONE this year. I think they are so cute. I'm hoping I can still find the candy canes on clearance. They were 90% off at Wal-mart last week. If you see any on sale somewhere else please let me know.
Make sure you take the plastic off the candy canes first. Place your candy canes on a silicon baking mat on a baking pan or with a pan that has vegetable spray. I arranged them how I wanted them to look when they were done, but they do come out soft and you can mold them later. Set your oven to 250 degrees and cook them for 10 minutes. Right out of the oven they should be playable and easy to mold, caution - they may be warm/hot to the touch. I was easily able to mold them however I wanted. I smooshed the bottoms together and the tops together. I let them cool, placing them in my fridge for faster cooling. Now you can eat them, give them as gifts, or use them as decorations for this Valentine’s Day. They would be cute hanging with a red ribbon.

Now it's your turn to share...
What are some fun traditions, crafts, goodies that you make for Valentines Day? Do share!


Megan said...

So cute! I am one of those boring mom's who buys the valentine cards at walmart...sticks some conversation hearts in it and calls it good. I need to try to be more creative like you, Kiley saw the picture of the candy canes and wants to do them!

Jaimee said...

That sounds way fun...I wish I had gotten some candy canes when they were clearanced...I love them as a decoration idea!