Monday, August 25, 2008

I have something that is very funny to share. My son Paiden is now eight years old and would die if he knew that I was sharing this story. When he was about three years old and we were getting ready for bed. We had just gotten him in the bath tub and he was cleaning him self off when he made a new discovery. I was sitting beside the bath tub when all the sudden in a very excited voice he says,"mom guess what, I have a ball." I started laughing of course. then he says, "holy crap mom I have two." I thought I was going to die. I have never seen him so proud of him self. Of course at that age they are in love with any kind of ball. Well he was definently pleased with him self that day. Children are great fun, and add lots to our lives. It would be so boring with out them in our lives. I hope you get a good laugh out of that one.


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness...I am still laughing. That is hilarious! Boys are so funny!