Thursday, October 23, 2008

Suggestions? Son saying rude words

I have a problem that I wondered if you all could help me with. My sweet little boy who just turned three has learned some rude words. He has been saying "shut-up" and "stupid." I don't know where he got these phrases, but I know it has to stop. I have tried punishing him for saying these things, but it seems like he maybe wants attention and that is why he is saying these things. I have tried to explain that these are not nice things to say and he just looks at me like "huh?" Any opinions or suggestions?


Sarah said...

I know that my boys picked up on those words from their parents. I know, we are bad. Just enjoy those words because when he goes to school they come home saying some pretty interesting things. :) Good luck!

Amberly said...

We just keep telling them that we don't speak that way in our family. If it continues, we are really mean and give them a few drops of apple cider vineager on their tounge for potty talk. It has a horrible taste and they think twice about it the next time. Good luck!

Megan said...

Hey, When my daughter was three she would do that too. We told her that when she talked like that we wouldn't listen to her. She only needed to be ignored a few times and realized that she didn't like that. She is super sensitive though, so that was easy. I don't know about with boys though...Good luck!!

Michelle and Nick said...

I know when my 3yr old started saying naughty things, he was doing it for the reaction. When he would say something inappropriate, instead of freaking out, we would calmly replace the word. So if he says "stupid" you could just say "silly" or something--just a word replacement instead of a lecture. It worked that one time for us, but he has much more attitude now. Good luck!

Lydia said...

My boys picked those kinds of words up from their parents too. It is sort of embarrassing, but what can you do right? Just teasing. It sounds to me, like he is trying to get attention. The more upset you get the more he wants to say those words. I don't know if this makes you feel better, but be glad that you can experiment while he is just using words that are mean, not words that you have to explain to your mother about where he heard it.