Monday, November 24, 2008
Sneak Peek at Black Friday Sales...
Posted by Sarah at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Daddy Daughter Dates
Lucy and Gabe went on a Daddy Daughter date a couple of days ago. We started doing these a couple of months ago. I still remember when my dad took me to get a snow cone when I was little. He got yellow and I got red. I will never forget it. The more experiences we have with our kids when they are little and still love us, the better they'll be when they are older and don't! Lucy asked me today if we could switch off every other month with a "Mother-Daughter" date too. She's so cute!
Posted by Carpenter Column at 8:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
My little Maxwell says the funniest things
So we are sitting down stairs and playing guess who when all of the sudden he says, "Mom my bum just went woosh." so I said, "Did you fart." he said, "no." I sat there for a minute when he said. "My bum made a sound like Darth Vador." then he procedes to make the Darth Vador sound so that I would know what his fart sounded like. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. He kept making the sounds with his mouth for quite a while. Every time he did, I would start laughing again. I know that story is kind of gross. But I got a kick out of it. Ho Pur, Ho Pur.........
Posted by kristen at 9:52 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
How's your week?
Posted by Sarah at 10:27 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Are you serious??
Posted by Megan at 11:19 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Suggestions? Son saying rude words
I have a problem that I wondered if you all could help me with. My sweet little boy who just turned three has learned some rude words. He has been saying "shut-up" and "stupid." I don't know where he got these phrases, but I know it has to stop. I have tried punishing him for saying these things, but it seems like he maybe wants attention and that is why he is saying these things. I have tried to explain that these are not nice things to say and he just looks at me like "huh?" Any opinions or suggestions?
Posted by Nicole at 10:44 PM 5 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Calling All Bloggers!
Hi everyone! This is my first post here, although I have been checking it often for quite awhile now. Here's the reason for it: My sister-in-law has this site called Occasional Genius. It is part blog, part idea site. She has tons of ideas for decorating, parties, holidays, baby showers, you name it, she's got it. The blog part is pretty new and she is trying to get people to come and participate - she wants to make it a place where she puts up ideas (and some funny commentary) each day, but also other people can add things in different categories. Right now she is asking people to do a post of old Halloween costumes so that she can put them all together and make a little Halloween section where people can come and get ideas. So, first go here: She explains what to do. Then follow the instructions and put a post on your blog with old costume pics. Put her link on there (pretty please!) so that all of your wonderful visitors can check it out themselves and add their posts. It should be pretty fun! The site really does have tons of great stuff on it. Holly is kind of legendary in our family for her fabulous ideas. So go check it out.
Posted by Jaimee at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
This is why I hate Sidewalk Chalk...
So, I am new to this blog and I'm really excited. I am a mother of 4 little boys (2 of which are twins as seen in the picture above) I definitely have my hands full and am sure I will be sharing lots of interesting stories about what my boys come up with. I am also looking forward to laughing with you as I read what you are going through.
As you can see, I hate sidewalk chalk. I posted this on my family blog too but I thought it was so funny I'd share it here too. I am banning the stuff from my house! If any of you are in dire need of it, please let me know and I will be happy to give it to you! I can't understand how they always seem to color more on themselves (or anything else) more than the sidewalk! Does it look like they know they are in trouble? What a mess!
Posted by Amberly at 8:39 PM 7 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Cute Hair Do's
I posted this on my blog a while ago, so a few of you probably know about this. But my little sis, Jessica, started a blog in June and she posts a cute hair do that she does on her little girl, every few days. You'll have to check it out!
Posted by Lisa at 2:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Halloween is coming...
If your house is anything like mine your kids already know what they want to be for Halloween. I think D.J. has known for a couple of months now. Anyway, I was getting my decorations out of the garage and found the box with costumes we have already used. I thought I would post them on here to see if any of you would like to borrow them. Also, if any of you have costumes you would be willing to share post some pictures and help a sister out! If you are interested in any of them leave a comment or email me at
Costumes I have:
Ninja: pants, shirt, belt, and hood. (D.J. wore this last year when he was six so it's probably a 6-8)
Superman: cape, belt, and an embleme to pin on shirt. (D.J. wore blue sweats and a blue sweatshirt stuffed with padding for muscles, under the cape and belt. It was so cute)
Buzz lightyear: costume & hood. This is a disney costume size small. Luke wore it when he was 3.
Butterfly: bodysuit, wings, hoodie, & Booties. I think it's size 6-12 months. But Libby wore it last year when she was almost 3 months old and it was a little big. If your interested I'll pull it out again and check the size. I loved it because it was really warm.
Harry Potter: cape, & wand. Libby broke the glasses today. :) This is a kids one size fits all.
Frankenstein: This is just a headband. Luke wore it as a baby with jeans, a white turtleneck, and a denim jacket with the collar turned up. I then just drew little scars on his face. It is my favorite, and soooo easy.
Dracula: Adult size. Cape, Bow tie, and necklace. If you have a husband that hates to dress up like mine this is perfect. It's really easy. Trevor just wore black pants and a white collared shirt with dracula teeth and a little blood coming out of his mouth.
Pirate: Woman's size. Shirt, pants, and hat. Grab an eye patch and jewelry and your set.
Pirate: Men's size. Shirt, pants, headband, and eyepatch.
Fat Tourist: One size fits all. Bodysuit and visor. Trevor wore this with socks and sandles. He also wore binoculars around his neck and I put white makeup on his nose to look like sunscreen. So Funny.
I found a few more...
Dumbo: Size Small (D.J. was 2 when he wore it) I loved this costume. It is really warm.
Hippies: Size Large (adults) What I would give to fit in that costume again, anyway. They both come with shirts(sewn on vests), pants, headbands, and peace sign necklaces.
Horse: Luke wore then when he dressed up like a cowboy. It will fit up to about a 4 year old. Luke loves it. :)
Posted by Sarah at 9:12 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Lucy looked out the window today while it was raining and said, "It's not really raining daddy, they are just BIG sprinklers." I think she was trying to get him to still take her to the park!
Posted by Carpenter Column at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I found an answer...
Posted by Sarah at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Being a mom means...
*NEVER being able to go to the bathroom without someone crying or yelling for you.
*Eating Macaroni and Cheese for dinner even if you feel like Chicken Cordon Bleu.
*Vacuuming the carpet at least twice a day. (reference picture. Hey at least it's a happy mess.)
*Sharing at least part of EVERYTHING you eat or drink.
*Hearing the funniest, most truthful things you can imagine. (i.e. you are really stinky need a shower(this was while I was doing aerobics in the living room.)
*Not being able to wear don't want to carry a newborn around in heels...Trust Me.
*Feeling the most intense emotions when you see your child learn something new, smile, or cry.
*Justifying being a little overweight, because it is more comfortable to cuddle with.
*Doing anything necessary to make your children happy and comfortable. Sure it is hard, but isn't it rewarding?!?
Posted by Nicole at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Conference Ideas...
O.K. ladies I need some help. Every six months I am faced with the same dilemma, how to keep the kids entertained and quiet while I try to enjoy conference. I am going to print the coloring books from Check them out. There is one for younger kids and another for older kids. What works for all of you? I need some ideas!
Posted by Sarah at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Something to think about out
I know this is probably a dumb thing to post but I just wanted to share it. We got our boys a new bedroom set along with this armoire. I checked it out to make sure that it wouldn't tip. I thought it was a little flimsy but thought it would be ok for then. The next day I heard the loudest BOOM come from upstairs. I ran up and found Kenyon crying. Luckily, he was ok, but the whole thing had tipped over, while he was climbing up the drawers to see if something was on top, and since the drawers were out I think that saved him because the drawers stopped the armoire from falling completely on its face. The TV and some other things fell out. We anchored it right away and it is safe now. Anyways, I am sure most of you are smarter than I am, but I wanted to share this because I didn't even think of anchoring it. I guess I didn't think my 5 or 7 year old would climb up a dresser and my 1 year old is usually playing around there and things could have turned out a lot worse. I will anchor everything for now on!
Posted by Lisa at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Posted by Megan at 12:24 PM 7 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here's how it went:
Me: I love you bud!
Cayson: Love you too mom.
Guess what mom?
Me: What?
Cayson: I'm yours!
Me: I know, you are mine and guess what?...I'm yours too!
Cayson: So I am yours and you are mine!?
I'm dad's too mom.
Me: Yup, you are dad's and mine, we both love you huh!
Cayson: I know. (then he sat and thought for a minute)
Mom, I am dad's not yours anymore.
Me: What? You are mine, why did you say that?
Cayson: Dad shares his mustang with me, and he takes me for rides...
you don't do that. (then he thought again)
Mom...I'm yours and mine, and dad's mustang is yours and mine too.
That works for me! : )
Posted by Megan at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I was just wondering...
Posted by Sarah at 3:47 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
An accident while not potty training
I'm so glad to finally have something to post! I was at the Dr's office yesterday in the waiting room when my little three year old (who in no way is interested in potty training and I'm afraid will go to kindergarten in diapers) looks up at me and says "I'm peeing". She had a diaper on and everything but she's never told me when she's going. I thought "Great, this is progress. She can finally recognize when she's going". She then looked down and she and I saw that she truly had peed. All over the chair in the waiting room. For some reason it had missed the diaper and was now all over her and the seat. Of course I didn't have the diaper bag so I ran to the car and grabbed the spare diaper and wipes. They called us back right after I got it all cleaned up but had to explain to every doctor and nurse why my child was in nothing but a diaper and pray that they understood this was not normal for her to wear nothing but a diaper (at least in public).
I'm sorry if this was a little too much potty humor for you and in case it wasn't, I'll add another quick story for you. Sunday morning that same 3 year old was up when my husband (Sarah's (the wonderful creator of this blog) cousin - and he may not want me to tell this) got up to use the bathroom. She asked him what he was doing and he said that he told her. She told him, "Silly dad, only girls go potty, they don't wear diapers. Boys wear diapers." He responded, "looks like grandma wasted time getting me potty trained then." It was pretty funny.
By the way, anyone have any good tips for potty training? She started preschool today and luckily didn't have to be trained before going. They also told me that seeing other kids use the potty (not literally) should help. Any other ideas?
P.S. I know this is my first post and I'm afraid that I come off sounding like I'm a little obsessed with going to the bathroom. I'm really not. I'm actually a pretty typical Utah county mom with 2 cute girls and a wonderful husband. Like most people I love to cook (especially bake - I recently won 1st place in our small hometown bakeoff) and read. Hopefully you'll be able to learn more about me through future posts!
Posted by JoandDoug at 12:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Calling all Mom's...
Hi Ladies! I have been meaning to add this post for a couple of week now but you know how it is, busy, busy. Anyway, I would love to invite more Mom's to join our blog. If any of you have people you would like to invite just send me their e-mail address and I will send them, an invite. I will send them an e-mail first to let them know I got their address from you so they will know what is going on. :) Hopefully we will have lots more Mom's joining us and lots more funny stories to read. Remember, everyone is invited!
Sincerely, Sarah
Posted by Sarah at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Is Independence a Good Thing?!
For those of you who visit my blog, these are repeats...sorry! Anyway, here you go.
Neleah has become increasingly independent over the last little while. She insists on picking out her own outfit, brushing her teeth, washing her hands, etc. all by herself. This is normally a good thing. Recently she found the drawer where I've put all the bottles. She hasn't had a bottle since she was 1 but she likes to play with them. Mason and Neleah will line them up then knock them all down, it makes a lot of noise, maybe that's what's so 'fun' about the bottles. On occasion she'll ask for some water in one, and she's usually ok when I tell her no. Yesterday she and Mason had been playing with the bottles and she asked me for some juice. I told her no, so she went to daddy, who also told her no. I went back to trying to decorate our place and 10 minutes or so passed. I went back into the kitchen and asked Donney where she was. He hadn't noticed she'd left the room. I called for her and she came around the corner with a big smile on her face and her bottle was half full of water. Donney and I chuckled, little miss had climbed into the tub, turned the water on and got herself what she wanted. I took her wet hands and walked her back into the front room. She looked up at me with her big smile "Juice Mom!", took a drink of her water then said, "Uck Mom" and laughed. "You're so silly." I said to her. She did it again. Still completely convinced she had been in the tub, I decided I better go make sure she turned the water all the way off. When I walked in, this is what I saw...
I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but there is a nice trail of water that leads right to the TOILET! "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Neleah!!" I ran to her and took her 'juice' from her. I too began to tell her "Uck Neleah, that is so yucky!" She did the same thing she'd been doing, "Uck mom!" and then just laughed. So you're wondering where she picked up this "Uck" sound. Well as part of her new independence, she's also been using the toilet as her sink to wash her hands! I've been telling her over and over "Yucky! No No No!" She always says "Uck" and looks at me as though she's convinced the toilet is a nasty place to put our hands. However, it's clearly not what she's thinking. It's time to potty train, maybe she'll understand that's what toilet's are used for. Just as a side note, I had just cleaned the toilet on Saturday and it was flushed! LOL
Here she is in a pull-up she put on all by herself. Yes she undresses herself too!
First of all, let me say my son has amazing upper body strength. He can pull himself up onto just about anything and he doesn't need any sort of step to get him there. With that being said keep in mind our microwave is above our stove and he's used it often, but with supervision. Anyway, when your sweet 3 year olds are laughing and saying "Shew fire", it's a good indication something may not be right. I walked into the kitchen to a nasty smell and a smoke filled room. The microwave was on and had been for 3-4 minutes. (See the video below) Mason tells me he was cooking breakfast for me. :) 0Before I picked ALL the crispy pancakes off I grabbed the camera. Needless to say, I've learned how to put the child lock on.
I'm sitting here posting this with Ma on my lap anxiously awaiting "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." She thinks I'm "tricking" her because I keep going from my blog to this one and not to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She just said, "AAHH man mom this is an abomination!!!" (Too much Lilo and Stitch!)
Posted by FishinFamily at 4:47 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Don't you wish you could really lock them up sometimes? : )
Posted by Megan at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
My addition to Kristen's post...
Posted by Sarah at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
I have something that is very funny to share. My son Paiden is now eight years old and would die if he knew that I was sharing this story. When he was about three years old and we were getting ready for bed. We had just gotten him in the bath tub and he was cleaning him self off when he made a new discovery. I was sitting beside the bath tub when all the sudden in a very excited voice he says,"mom guess what, I have a ball." I started laughing of course. then he says, "holy crap mom I have two." I thought I was going to die. I have never seen him so proud of him self. Of course at that age they are in love with any kind of ball. Well he was definently pleased with him self that day. Children are great fun, and add lots to our lives. It would be so boring with out them in our lives. I hope you get a good laugh out of that one.
Posted by kristen at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Things I never thought I would say
I think every Mom stops at least once a day and thinks, "I can't believe I just said that!" Usually the words would never be placed together in a sentence. Well lately I have been laughing about all of these. Here are a few of my favorites:
- The sword does not go in the toilet
- Pooh is not funny
- Why are you licking my leg
- Glue is not chap stick
- Boys don't wear panties, they wear underwear
- Girls can't be princes, or Darth Vader
Posted by The Ullery Family at 10:15 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Things we go through for our Kiddos!
Recently I was reading Mandy's blog and it brought back a memory that I just have to share with you. I will begin by saying that at the time this happened I did not find it funny at all, but as time goes on I have to admit, it's pretty funny.
When D.J. was in Kindergarten he rode the bus to school. In the middle of the year the school decided to change the bus schedule. The change put him at school 30 minutes early and the whole bus route was different. Being the loving mother that I am, or paranoid, I decided to follow the bus to school so I could see what the new route was.
I guess I made the bus driver nervous so she asked all the kids to look at the car behind them and asked if it was any one's Mom. Of course my little D.J. said, "No, it's not mine." So she called the police. I was pulled over and the police officer would not believe me that my kid was on the bus. He said the driver asked ALL the kids and everyone said, "no." I was so mad. Honestly, why would I be following a bus, in my pajamas, no bra, hair not done, no shoes, with my screaming baby in the back seat, if my kid wasn't on the bus. Finally, after what seemed like forever he let me go, but not without telling me that the city police have my license plate number and if I get caught following a bus again I would have big problems. I immediately called Trevor to get some sympathy but he was laughing so hard I hung up on him. Later that day when D.J. got home he told me all about the bad lady that was following them to school but told me not to worry because the police came and took her to jail. I didn't have the nerve to tell him it was me. I just said, "oh, good thing!" To this day he doesn't know it was me.
To top it all off, that night was a ward party and guess what the talk of the neighborhood was? Yep, the BAD person following the bus to school! Trevor kept looking at me laughing. I gave him the evil eye, you know the one that says 'if you say anything you will die'!
Like I said, not funny at the time, pretty funny now!
The things we go through for our kids! So here's the lesson for the day... don't follow your kids bus to school or make sure your kids know what your car looks like!
Posted by Sarah at 8:28 AM 7 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Does it matter if the colors mix?
I made Isaac a batch of play dough today. I split the batch into four sections so I could make different colors. After kneading in each of the colors (which took almost twenty minutes) Isaac went to work mixing all the colors together. At first I told him no, but I soon realized that I made it for him and he could do whatever made him happy. It worked out in the occupied him for like fifteen minutes or so. Isn't that always how it goes. :)
Posted by Nicole at 5:08 PM 2 comments
This is Maxwell sleeping on the couch. He is quite a funny little boy. He falls asleep in the funniest places.
Posted by kristen at 4:05 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Check him out!
He wanted to so bad and I just thought, "it's not worth the battle."
Posted by Sarah at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oh my sweet boy Cayson! He is I walked into the bathroom and found his toothpaste tube sitting on the counter. This isn't unusual, what was unusual was the large amount of toothpaste in the toilet next to the counter and the wet toothbrush on the floor. I walked into the other room and asked him what had happened. He got a huge smile on his face and said, "Mom, I brushed my teeth! I can do it by myself!" GROSS! Luckily the toilets were clean and luckily I have a new toothbrush for him. Let's just say I did a really good toothbrush session on him after that. How do their little minds come up with this stuff?
Posted by Megan at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I am so excited to finally get this blog up and running...
Feel free to post as often as you would like. Also check back often to see all the adventures everyone else is having at their homes! Hopefully this blog will become a place where we can all have a good laugh once in a while and remind us that we are not alone in this crazy thing called....Motherhood!
Posted by Sarah at 7:59 PM 3 comments